Flower colours

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Flowers grouped by colour
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Blue flowers
Aconitum napellus to Hyacinthoides x massartiana Blue flowers, Aconitum napellus to Blue flowers, Hyacinthoides x massartiana
Hydrangea macrophylla to Salvia officinalis Blue flowers, Hydrangea macrophylla to Blue flowers, Salvia officinalis
Salvia pratensis to Viola tricolor Blue flowers, Salvia pratensis to Blue flowers, Viola tricolor
Brown flowers
Arrhenatherum elatius to Festuca vivipara Brown flowers, Arrhenatherum elatius to Brown flowers, Festuca vivipara
Fritillaria meleagris to Plantago lanceolata Brown flowers, Fritillaria meleagris to Brown flowers, Plantago lanceolata
Ribes uva-crispa to Triglochin palustris Brown flowers, Ribes uva-crispa to Brown flowers, Triglochin palustris
Dark blue flowers
Echium vulgare to Salvia pratensis Dark blue flowers, Echium vulgare to Dark blue flowers, Salvia pratensis
Dark flowers
Carex flacca to Plantago lanceolata Dark flowers, Carex flacca to Dark flowers, Plantago lanceolata
Dark purple flowers
Ballota nigra to Viola palustris Dark purple flowers, Ballota nigra to Dark purple flowers, Viola palustris
Green flowers
Acaena ovalifolia to Daphne laureola Green flowers, Acaena ovalifolia to Green flowers, Daphne laureola
Epipactis dunensis to Neottia cordata Green flowers, Epipactis dunensis to Green flowers, Neottia cordata
Neottia ovata to Urtica dioica Green flowers, Neottia ovata to Green flowers, Urtica dioica
Viscum album to Viscum album Green flowers, Viscum album to Green flowers, Viscum album
Orange flowers
Atriplex littoralis to Tanacetum parthenium Orange flowers, Atriplex littoralis to Orange flowers, Tanacetum parthenium
Taraxacum palustre to Vaccinium oxycoccos Orange flowers, Taraxacum palustre to Orange flowers, Vaccinium oxycoccos
Pale blue flowers
Agapanthus sp. to Lathyrus japonicus Pale blue flowers, Agapanthus sp. to Pale blue flowers, Lathyrus japonicus
Lathyrus linifolius to Pulmonaria officinalis Pale blue flowers, Lathyrus linifolius to Pale blue flowers, Pulmonaria officinalis
Romulea columnae to Vicia cracca Pale blue flowers, Romulea columnae to Pale blue flowers, Vicia cracca
Vicia orobus to Wahlenbergia hederacea Pale blue flowers, Vicia orobus to Pale blue flowers, Wahlenbergia hederacea
Pale green flowers
Acer campestre to Scleranthus annuus Pale green flowers, Acer campestre to Pale green flowers, Scleranthus annuus
Staphylea pinnata to Staphylea pinnata Pale green flowers, Staphylea pinnata to Pale green flowers, Staphylea pinnata
Pale yellow flowers
Allium siculum to Fatsia japonica Pale yellow flowers, Allium siculum to Pale yellow flowers, Fatsia japonica
Filipendula ulmaria to Oenanthe fistulosa Pale yellow flowers, Filipendula ulmaria to Pale yellow flowers, Oenanthe fistulosa
Olearia macrodonta to Silaum silaus Pale yellow flowers, Olearia macrodonta to Pale yellow flowers, Silaum silaus
Silene gallica to Zantedeschia sp. Pale yellow flowers, Silene gallica to Pale yellow flowers, Zantedeschia sp.
Pink flowers
Agrostemma githago to Bistorta officinalis Pink flowers, Agrostemma githago to Pink flowers, Bistorta officinalis
Butomus umbellatus to Chenopodiastrum murale Pink flowers, Butomus umbellatus to Pink flowers, Chenopodiastrum murale
Cirsium acaule to Dactylorhiza traunsteinerioides Pink flowers, Cirsium acaule to Pink flowers, Dactylorhiza traunsteinerioides
Daphne cneorum to Erica tetralix Pink flowers, Daphne cneorum to Pink flowers, Erica tetralix
Erica x stuartii to Gentianella amarella Pink flowers, Erica x stuartii to Pink flowers, Gentianella amarella
Gentianella campestris to Illecebrum verticillatum Pink flowers, Gentianella campestris to Pink flowers, Illecebrum verticillatum
Impatiens glandulifera to Malva neglecta Pink flowers, Impatiens glandulifera to Pink flowers, Malva neglecta
Mentha arvensis to Penstemon sp. Pink flowers, Mentha arvensis to Pink flowers, Penstemon sp.
Persicaria amphibia to Rosa rubiginosa Pink flowers, Persicaria amphibia to Pink flowers, Rosa rubiginosa
Rosa sherardii to Sibthorpia europaea Pink flowers, Rosa sherardii to Pink flowers, Sibthorpia europaea
Silene acaulis to Trifolium medium Pink flowers, Silene acaulis to Pink flowers, Trifolium medium
Trifolium pratense to Viola odorata Pink flowers, Trifolium pratense to Pink flowers, Viola odorata
Purple flowers
Agrostemma githago to Chamaenerion angustifolium Purple flowers, Agrostemma githago to Purple flowers, Chamaenerion angustifolium
Chamelaucium uncinatum to Epilobium palustre Purple flowers, Chamelaucium uncinatum to Purple flowers, Epilobium palustre
Epipactis atrorubens to Kickxia elatine Purple flowers, Epipactis atrorubens to Purple flowers, Kickxia elatine
Knautia arvensis to Phacelia tanacetifolia Purple flowers, Knautia arvensis to Purple flowers, Phacelia tanacetifolia
Pinguicula vulgaris to Stachys palustris Purple flowers, Pinguicula vulgaris to Purple flowers, Stachys palustris
Succisa pratensis to Viola riviniana Purple flowers, Succisa pratensis to Purple flowers, Viola riviniana
Red flowers
Abutilon to Fraxinus excelsior Red flowers, Abutilon to Red flowers, Fraxinus excelsior
Fuchsia magellanica to Quercus robur Red flowers, Fuchsia magellanica to Red flowers, Quercus robur
Ribes uva-crispa to Vriesea sp. Red flowers, Ribes uva-crispa to Red flowers, Vriesea sp.
White flowers
Abutilon vitifolium to Anthriscus caucalis White flowers, Abutilon vitifolium to White flowers, Anthriscus caucalis
Anthriscus sylvestris to Cardamine hirsuta White flowers, Anthriscus sylvestris to White flowers, Cardamine hirsuta
Cardamine pratensis to Convallaria majalis White flowers, Cardamine pratensis to White flowers, Convallaria majalis
Crambe maritima to Erigeron karvinskianus White flowers, Crambe maritima to White flowers, Erigeron karvinskianus
Eriophorum gracile to Galium saxatile White flowers, Eriophorum gracile to White flowers, Galium saxatile
Galium sterneri to Lathraea squamaria White flowers, Galium sterneri to White flowers, Lathraea squamaria
Lathyrus oleraceus to Marrubium vulgare White flowers, Lathyrus oleraceus to White flowers, Marrubium vulgare
Matricaria chamomilla to Oxalis acetosella White flowers, Matricaria chamomilla to White flowers, Oxalis acetosella
Oxalis incarnata to Prunus padus White flowers, Oxalis incarnata to White flowers, Prunus padus
Prunus spinosa to Rubus caesius White flowers, Prunus spinosa to White flowers, Rubus caesius
Rubus fruticosus agg. to Scutellaria minor White flowers, Rubus fruticosus agg. to White flowers, Scutellaria minor
Sedum album to Stellaria aquatica White flowers, Sedum album to White flowers, Stellaria aquatica
Stellaria graminea to Umbilicus rupestris White flowers, Stellaria graminea to White flowers, Umbilicus rupestris
Vaccinium vitis-idaea to Zantedeschia sp. White flowers, Vaccinium vitis-idaea to White flowers, Zantedeschia sp.
Yellow flowers
Adoxa moschatellina to Caltha palustris Yellow flowers, Adoxa moschatellina to Yellow flowers, Caltha palustris
Cardamine flexuosa to Erysimum cheiranthoides Yellow flowers, Cardamine flexuosa to Yellow flowers, Erysimum cheiranthoides
Erysimum cheiri to Genista tinctoria Yellow flowers, Erysimum cheiri to Yellow flowers, Genista tinctoria
Geum rivale to Hypericum Yellow flowers, Geum rivale to Yellow flowers, Hypericum
Hypericum androsaemum to Juncus compressus Yellow flowers, Hypericum androsaemum to Yellow flowers, Juncus compressus
Kickxia elatine to Lysimachia nummularia Yellow flowers, Kickxia elatine to Yellow flowers, Lysimachia nummularia
Lysimachia punctata to Oenothera biennis Yellow flowers, Lysimachia punctata to Yellow flowers, Oenothera biennis
Oenothera glazioviana to Primula vulgaris Yellow flowers, Oenothera glazioviana to Yellow flowers, Primula vulgaris
Primula x polyantha to Rorippa sylvestris Yellow flowers, Primula x polyantha to Yellow flowers, Rorippa sylvestris
Rubia peregrina to Stapelia variegata Yellow flowers, Rubia peregrina to Yellow flowers, Stapelia variegata
Sternbergia lutea to Ulex europaeus Yellow flowers, Sternbergia lutea to Yellow flowers, Ulex europaeus
Ulex gallii to Vriesea sp. Yellow flowers, Ulex gallii to Yellow flowers, Vriesea sp.